Binocular Vision Disorder

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Think about the last time you went to a 3D movie. You probably noticed that before you put on the special glasses, the movie was fuzzy. Then, when you donned the glasses – bam! Three dimensions! So, how does this happen? Before we can answer this question, we need some background information.

What is binocular vision?

A vision skill where both eyes work together, simultaneously, equally, and accurately as a coordinated team. Having a normal visual acuity of 6/6 in each eye cannot be considered a clear vision. Clear vision means there should not be eye strain, blurring or any other disturbances while reading or focusing on near objects wherein binocular visual skills must be proper.

What is binocular visual skills?

  • Tracking is the ability to move the eyes across a sheet of paper
  • Fusion is the ability to see separate images formed in Right and Left eye as a single image
  • Stereopis is the ability to perceive depth or 3D vision
  • Convergence and Divergence are the ability of the eyes to move and work as a team
  • Visual Motor Integration is the Hand eye coordination

What is binocular vision impairment?

It is a condition in which binocular visual skills get affected. It will end up with symptoms such as headache, eye strain, double vision, etc.

What are the advantages of binocular vision?

  • Increased Depth Perception
  • Flexibility
  • Stereopsis
  • Visibility Beyond an Obstacle
  • Increased Visual field

What is binocular vision clinic?

The Binocular Vision clinic (or BV Clinic) specializes in Binocularity, which is how your two eyes work together. A routine eye consultation does not test a childs or an adults focusing ability, tracking or visual perception skills.

Many children pass their annual school vision screening or the pediatrician's eye chart but remain undiagnosed with problems in the visual system. It requires proper binocular vision testing which includes binocular visual skills testing.

Patients suffering from binocular vision impairment will find that basic activities such as reading, working at a computer, or playing sports can be affected.

This clinic is great for children who seem to have good vision, but are still having trouble reading at school or at home. And also for adults who are spending more than 2 hrs in front of digital gadgets such as mobiles, computers, Ipad, etc. Some conditions such as strabismus (crossed-eye) and amblyopia (lazy eye) often can be improved with vision training exercises to build proper eye muscle coordination.

Symptoms and signs that shows you have binocular vision impairment

  • Struggles while reading for a long time
  • Short attention span
  • Frustration while reading or writing
  • Complains of redness, burning, watering of eyes when reading
  • Holds reading material very close
  • Alphabet confusion (e.g. reads d as b or a as o)
  • Intermittent blur in the distance and up close
  • Headaches
  • Eye strain while reading or using digital gadgets
  • Inattentiveness
  • Double vision while reading
  • Jumping and floating of letters while reading
  • Skipping lines while reading
  • Feels sleepy while reading
  • Avoiding near tasks such as reading
  • Squinting, closing or covering one eye
  • Difficulty tracking moving objects
  • Shortened attention span
  • Light hurting the eyes
  • Tiring or soreness after close work
  • Print seems to move or comes in & out of focus when reading
  • Text seems to double when reading, driving or looking at signs
  • Unusual posture or head tilt when reading or writing
  • Frequent head turning while reading
  • Skipping lines or losing place when reading or copying
  • Difficulty using binoculars
  • Difficulty judging distance when parking or pulling into traffic
  • Difficulty with night driving
  • Seeing more clearly with one eye with best eyeglass prescription
  • Have difficulty in good hand-eye coordination with sports

What is vision therapy?

  • It is the best and simple option of treating Binocular Vision Impairment.
  • It is a NON- SURGICAL and CUSTOMIZED vision program designed to correct certain vision problems and improve visual skills.
  • It involves a series of procedures carried out by a specially-trained optometrist (Orthoptist).
  • It aims to TEACH the visual system to correct itself.
  • It is like PHYSICAL THERAPY for the eyes and the parts of the brain that control vision.

The orthoptist, in consultation with the treating eye doctor, will put together an individualized therapy program and set of treatment goals for the patient, which includes exercises in the Clinic (In-office Vision Therapy) and at home (Home Vision Therapy) which can result in a successful vision therapy outcomes. In-office Vision Therapy many types of specialized and/or medical equipment can be used in Optometric Vision Therapy programs, such as:

  • Corrective lenses (regulated medical devices)
  • Therapeutic lenses (regulated medical devices)
  • Prism lenses (regulated medical devices)
  • Optical filters
  • Occluders or eye patches
  • Training opaque and transparent cards
  • Computer software
  • Visual-motor-sensory integration training devices
  • Overall, the goal of vision therapy is to treat binocular vision problems that cannot be treated vision successfully with eyeglasses, contact lenses and/or surgery alone, and help people achieve clear, comfortable binocular vision.

Amblyopia (lazy eye) clinic

Amblyopia is the medical term used when the vision in one of the eyes is reduced because the eye and the brain are not working together properly. The eye itself looks normal, but it is not being used normally because the brain is favoring the other eye. This condition is also sometimes called lazy eye. The weaker or lazy eye often wanders inward or outward. Amblyopia generally develops from birth up to age 7 years. It is the leading cause of decreased vision in one eye among children. Rarely, lazy eye affects both eyes. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent long-term problems with your child’s vision.

Treatment of amblyopia after the age of 17 is not dependent upon age but requires more effort including vision therapy. Although improvements are possible at any age with proper treatment, early detection and treatment still offer the best outcome. Our clinic also offers treatment of amblyopia for both Children and Adults.

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