
The 4 P’s to Love Your Eyes!

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Do you know how precious your eyes are? You may have heard the saying ‘your eyes indicate your soul’ in many ways. In fact, your eyes can indicate your overall health as well. A comprehensive eye examination can detect more than 270 different medical conditions. Diabetes, heart disease, stroke risk, high blood pressure, cancer, and dyslexia are the top six medical conditions that an eye exam could provide early warning signs. Eye health doesn’t just impact vision. Eye health impacts education, employment, quality of life, poverty, and many other areas of life and wellbeing. These are the reasons why you should never fail to show your eyes the love they deserve.

The 4 P’s to love your eyes are simple lifestyle and perspective changes that are hugely beneficial for your eyes. Let’s dive into them.


Yes. Prevention is always the best medicine. We learned this hard truth in the last two years of the pandemic very well. It applies to our eye health as well. A healthy lifestyle and eating habits help prevent many eye diseases.

A healthy diet has a significant role in managing a healthy weight and preventing diabetes and other lifestyle diseases. All of these directly affect our eye health as well. A healthy diet full of vitamins A, C, and E plus minerals like zinc and lutein is essential to promote eye health and lower the risk of eye disease.

A healthy lifestyle is not so hard to understand. It simply means no smoking, no alcohol, no junk food, and exercising regularly. Also, remember to keep your blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol checked.


Wear protective eyewear. It includes sunglasses to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays, proper protective eyewear to protect your eyes from hazardous work environments, and computer eyeglasses to protect your eyes from blue light from your digital screens. Using the right eye make-up and removing it before going to sleep is equally important.

Our exposure to digital screens has dramatically increased, and it is crucial to have a healthy relationship between you and your screens. Remember to work in a body-friendly way and use the tips shared in our blog on computer vision syndrome. You can read it here.


Preserve your eyes. It is easier for eye diseases to go unnoticed as most of them do not show any earlier symptoms. You may lose a percentage of your eyesight before you notice the issues. In some diseases, these damages are irreversible. This is why it is important to do regular eye examinations. A comprehensive eye examination will ensure that your eye doctor obtains a detailed medical history and family history to understand your risk factors. This could preserve something very precious in the long run, your eyesight!


Yes. Please prioritize your eyes and their optimum health. Make loving your eyes a lifestyle! Set an example for others to love their eyes. Most of us are aware of the importance of eye health, and yet conveniently ignore to take the required action to keep the eyes healthy. Be someone to end this tendency.

Yes. That’s the 4 P’s to love your eyes! Take them home and keep them close. Love your eyes and live your life in flying colors!

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